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A Professional Wi-Fi Installation Creates a Secure, Robust Home Network

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Today’s Smart Homes Require Reliable Home Networks

In today’s world of digital devices and smart automation, almost every home in the U.S. has a home network and internet connection. These networks, however, are not all created equal.  Some offer robust connectivity with no downtime; others lead to dropped connections and streaming content that freezes on your smart TV. Low signal strength and diminished audio and video quality are just a few other technical glitches experienced in homes with an inefficient network.  Fortunately, a robust Wi-Fi installation in your Newport Beach, CA home can change all of that. Let’s look at what’s involved in this type of installation and what it can do for your home in Orange County. 

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What Is Wi-Fi Installation? 

A home network connects your devices, such as computers, smart home electronics, and game systems, to the internet and each other. Today’s home networks usually consist of wired and wireless solutions. A wired home connects devices to the internet using Ethernet cables. A wireless home network, also called Wi-Fi, uses radio frequency signals to connect your devices to the internet and each other. This type of connection offers homeowners greater flexibility.  When installed correctly, you can access the internet from anywhere in your home, including your outdoor area. You can also download movies and books, stream music, and binge-watch Netflix without experiencing slow speeds and lost connections. 

The Best Wireless Home Network

At Launch Systems, we partner with top industry brands to provide our clients with the best home automation services on the market. One of these brands is Ruckus.  Ruckus smart Wi-Fi technology is changing the face of the wireless infrastructure market. Smart wireless access points offer larger coverage areas and stronger signals than other wireless technologies, increasing reliability, flexibility, and performance.  The company achieves this through its BeamFlex technology that ensures efficient coverage distribution by seeking out the path of least resistance and mitigating interference.  Their indoor and outdoor wireless access points can shift their focus to devices, reinforcing signal paths and keeping track of where each device is in relation to the access point. In addition, their APs and switches include powerful patented technologies that produce blazing-fast Wi-Fi performance and increased coverage despite challenging dense building materials. 

Securing Your Wi-Fi Network

In today’s world of high-tech cybercriminals, it's essential to protect your Wi-Fi network’s access and keep it from unauthorized users. We use the best practices for your home’s cyber security, helping guard against viruses and intrusion.  A few of these best practices include giving routers unusual names, creating unique, complex passwords and multi-factor authentication, and using the highest level of encryption. In addition, for large estates, setting up multiple network segments, such as an office network and smart home network, can add additional security and limit breaches, should one occur. In addition, we install a guest Wi-Fi network to allow your guests access while still protecting your network. We’ll analyze your home network and create a customized approach to ensure a robust solution. At Launch Systems, we create home networks that deliver unsurpassed speed and connectivity. So wherever you are, in your home or yard, you’ll experience full Wi-Fi coverage on a secure network. To learn more about home networks or schedule a complimentary consultation, chat with us at the bottom of the screen. We look forward to hearing from you!

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